Importing one’s own trajectory into one’s teaching habits in order to face students’difficulties and the challenges of the knowledge economy


Not only does becoming a university teacher after 15 years spent in upper secondary education imply changing one’s teaching methods but it also suggests that an individual non-linear professional trajectory can afford leverage for further action. Relying on my own experience as a former secondary teacher who now has been teaching for 7 years in the Saint-Denis University, in a low-income working-class suburb of Paris, I propose here a reflexive exploration of my teaching path. In the current context of the democratization of higher education in France since the 1990s, the diversification of the ways to access academic knowledge and the recent dramatic development of IA, my efforts to adapt my teaching methods and contents tell more than one story. First, they raise the sociological question of how individuals’ ways of adapting to change reflect their own trajectories. Second, they allow a close insight into how teaching methods in university can meet students’ needs. Third, they permit a reflection on how university teaching can adapt to the challenges of the new knowledge economy. The aim of this reflexive exploration is not to produce positive facts out of my own single case but to analyze how a sociopedagogical reflexive approach of teaching habits can set the base for pedagogical renovation in university in France.

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